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Via Dell'Edera 19
25080 - Manerba del Garda
Brescia, Italy

Opening time
Booking office:
October / March
Mon - Fri 09.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00
By car
Highway A4: Take the Desenzano del Garda exit: continue on the SP25 state road towards Salò up to the Crociale di Manerba, take the first exit and continue along Via Valtenesi, continue along Viale Risorgimento, turn left onto Strada Provinciale 39, turn right into via Republic and then to the right, Via dell'Edera 19.

Highway A4: Take the exit at Brescia Est: continue on the state road towards Salò and then towards Desenzano up to Raffa di Puegnago, next roundabout, turning towards Provincial Road 39 up to the old Pieve di Manerba, turn left on Via Pieve Vecchia until the stop and take Via dell'Edera, up to number 19.

GPS Coordinates: LAT 45.561285 LONG 10.553317
By train
Get off at Desenzano del Garda station and take the bus LN007 Desenzano - station FS-Salò, get off at the bus stop of Pieve di Manerba and walk for about 10/15 minutes through Via Pieve Vecchia until the stop. Continue straight until Via dell'Edera 19.
By plane
Verona V.Catullo Airport and take the A4 in direction Milan, exit at Desenzano del Garda and follow the instructions "by car". Or, Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport, take the A4 in direction Venice and exit at Brescia Est, then follow the instructions "by car".